Aside from reading the Warren Commission report itself, this book puts the conspiracy theories to rest. It is an incredibly detailed account of the events surrounding the assassination of JFK 50 years ago this November. Mr. Bugliosi took a totally unbiased and legal-minded approach to the topic and dispels the majority of theories surrounding who else was involved. The conclusion that comes out is that it was Oswald. And only Oswald. I know that it is difficult for people to believe that one man could have changed the course of history, but the facts speak for themselves.
The book is quite an undertaking at over 1600 pages long with critical footnotes, but it is worth the time to put some clarity on a subject that has been debated for years.
1600 pages is to many pages when you have a 6 year old boy who wants to play soccer. I will wait for the movie to come out. Thanks
Well, at some point your son will go off to soccer camp and then you can find the time! Until then, just continue to be one of the many that believe the conspiracy theory! It was Oswald and Oswald alone.
That was one magic lugy!!