Coward. Violent. No other way to describe a man who would do something like that to a woman. And he thought that he would get away with this and just go on and make millions of dollars playing a game. Well Ray, you didn’t. Not only are you done as a football player, but if there is any justice in this crazy society of ours, you will be prosecuted. This is more than just domestic violence. IT IS VIOLENCE. And it cannot be tolerated by a football player or any other person. It just can’t be.The only silver lining here is that he is a public figure which allows for a message to be sent to all the cowards out there- no matter who you are, you need to be taken out of society because you don’t belong.
And then there is the NFL. It seems impossible to think they never saw this tape. If TMZ was able to get it, then Roger Goodell and the Atlantic City Police Department were certainly able to get it. It just shows the double standard that applies to athletes. Money is more important than the common values that must be adhered to in a civilized world. Let’s see how Goodell tries to worm his way out of this one.
Hello Jim,
I hope this note finds you well. I agree. There is no place for this sort of violence in our society. These “celebrities” have been getting away with this nonsense far too long. Obviously these acts have been going on forever. With the social media age, cameras and videos in everyone’s hands, these actions have been brought to light more and more. From the police handling suspects on the streets to formal gatherings and everything in between, it’s all recorded. You would hope this will make people more responsible for their actions and make them think before acting. Only time will tell. Keep up the good work!!…Tiswell
The league even contemplaring reinstating Rice or any other coward just shows that money means more than anything else. A person is a role model for what he does OFF the field than what he does ON the field. Goodell and Company would disagree.
Sorry guys….I have to take a slightly different look at this (and the entire platform of professional sports). There is no excuse for Ray Rice’s behavior in this particular situation and I am not (in any way) defending his actions. The video says all that needs to be said. Further, Ray married this woman less than 3 months later (maybe an attempt to cover his tracts or maybe at the advice of his agent who knew what was going to happen once the evidence came out). Either way, the relationship seemingly survived the incident and both of them were aware of the downside of the press coverage of the episode. In fact, Ray’s wife pleaded (initially) to let things ‘be’ and stay out out of their “private life”. Obviously, that did NOT happen
Making professional athletes HEROES is a disappointing venture. Just because you hand someone a pile of cash, get him to sign on the dotted line, and then put them in the spotlight…..doesn’t mean they can tow the line as a hero (or even just a good person!). Moreover, the NFL seems to expect their members to act like animals on the field and then convert to back to saints when the final gun sounds. All of that for our entertainment! That’s wrong on a multitude of levels.
So….in the end……we can go on (and on) about the horrific Ray Rice and his fall from grace. In some ways the whole thing is predictable, as evidenced in the barrage of additional news stories now surfacing about other violent acts of NFL players……maybe it will eventually be traced back to the decades of head trauma these guys have gone through (again for our entertainment) to get to the NFL. Or maybe, we (as a society) will find our heroes somewhere else?
Matt Frasco
I don’t think we are far apart at all. I agree the game is designed to violent, but when you are off the field, keep your hands in your pockets or pay the price. No different for doctors, lawyers, or any other man. Period.
The brain damage theory can’t account for what Rice did in that elevator. But since he is a so-called “hero” who scores touchdowns and gets highlights on ESPN, it give us the ability to make an example of him. If this video never came out, he would have done it again.
Thanks for the feedback Mr. F